
Day 13 - Athens, Greece

We of course had really high hopes regarding the weather in Athens. Last years european-tour we played in Athens (also at Gagarin 205!) at approximately the same time of the year. I remember sightseeing Akropolis wearing shorts and t-shirt.

Today it was raining and windy, a little bit colder than Norway.... :( disapointed!

Athens is still a really nice city! We hooked up with our two favourite photographers Bjørn Tore and Einars girlfriend Marita, plus family,friends, who came down to see us in Athen.

That was really nice!

Allthough we didnt have too much time downtown, Rein was attacked by A) a bird pooping. B) someone who trew his cup of coffee out the window of his appartment.

The good old juicer were used for the first time(!). The apple, kiwi, salad, orange juice of course gave us an energy boost before the show!

The concert went really good, and here you'll see some live footage from the concert.

Tommorow is a traveling day. Traveling around 30 hours to Italy.. :)

- Tobias

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