
Day 09 - Bucharest

Bucharest 09.11.11

I had planned on sleeping late today, but Einar woke me up, and pointed out that it was my turn to bear the heavy burden of the blog. Sooo…i skipped the comfort of the bunk bed, and stepped out into the harsh streets of bucharest to find something to write about. Talk about making sacrifices!!

Well, anyway. Leprous played in Bucharest on their last tour about a year ago, but for me, Bucharest was a new city to explore!

As usual, we don't have all the time in the world when it comes to exploring our surroundings, as we have to be back at the venue for soundcheck and such. So with limited time, Jonas, Einar and myself chose to go and have a look at the Palace of the Parliament, as the venue was located not too far away from it.

After asking for directions at the venue, walking for about 20 minutes, realizing the directions we got led us in the complete opposite direction of the actual palace, and walking for a while longer, we finally found the building.

The Palace of Parliament is said to be the second largest building in the world, and yes, it was big. Personally i think the walk trough parts of Bucharest was more interesting than seeing thepalace. A big building is just…a big building..

The venue for tonight is called The Silver Church, and it turned out to be a really cool place. Room for a lot of people, but still a cool "club" feeling.

Nearby the venue we found a music store. Good news for Tobias, who needed a new cymbal as the old one lasted just a few shows before it got a crack in it…due to extremely cool drumming i guess!

Ok, we had our usual soundcheck, dinner (which isn't always a good experience) and got ourselves gig-ready. As I mentioned earlier, Leprous played in Bucharest last year, before I joined the band. And apparently they had a really good time playing here back then, so everybody was really looking forward to this show.

It turned out to be really cool! Very energetic and enthusiastic crowd! we had some small technical/backline problems, but nevertheless it felt like the audience really appreciated the show! And despite the small, stupid problems (which nobody probably even noticed) we had a really good time as well!

So, At the end of the day, good times in Bucharest!

Finally a chance to get some laundry done tomorrow, in Sofia. Looking forward to it! Our stage outfits are starting to get kind of uncomfortable at this point, soaked in sweat each night, never being completely dry…yeah..you get the point…

Living the dream!


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