
Day 8,9,10 - Saarbrücken, days off.

Allright. Two days off before our show in Saarbrücken. New city, lots of time…everything could happen, right!?

Well, everything didn't happen. Actually, most of our time in Saarbrücken was spent relaxing in the hotel room.

Day 1.

The first day we only got out of our rooms to get some food late in the evening. Probably sounds boring, but being the 1. Jan, the city was basically closed anyway. Nevertheless we found a really, really good Italian place to eat. It was one of those places where they make your food right in front of you when you make the order. Cool place! Not much else to write about the first day in Saarbrücken i'm afraid. After our meal we went back to the hotel for the rest of the night.

Day 2.

Most of us hadn't been to Luxemburg before, and being just about an hour away from Saarbrücken by bus, we decided to go check it out. So we did. Turned out it was just an ordinary european city (not that we expected anything else). We spent some hours walking around, eating, and complaining about the weather. So nothing special about the place, exept the cool valley in the middle of the city, but now we have been there. After the bus trip back to Saarbrücken, and a couple of hours in the hotel, we ended up eating at the same place as the day before. Talk about being creative! I even ate the same thing as I did the day before…still really, really good food!

On our way to Luxemburg


Day 3. - Showtime

We got up a little late for the check-out at the hotel (as usual). And decided to go the venue right away. The place was within walking distance, so we packed our bags and set out. Not much more interesting to tell about before the show, but the venue was cool, and the show was fun.



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