
Day 22 (v1) – Hr. Botev Sports Hall, Sofia, Bulgaria – 18.11.2010

Finally! The day we’ve all been waiting for! Everybody has been so jealous of me for getting to write the blog for today. “Hr Botev Sports Hall” has been on everybody’s lips ever since we received the tour dates 6 months ago. This is the only venue of which we have no information what so ever. There’s just a blank page in our tour intinerary, also known as “the book of lies”.

The questions are many: Who is this Hr. Botev? What does his Sports Hall have to offer? Will he meet us in person when we arrive? How does he look like? Does he wear a top hat? Days pass like years when you’re waiting for something this good, but now the wait is finally over.

Or is it?

What I’m about to tell you is actually too painful to be described on paper, so I made a documentary instead. This movie contains extremely dramatical and disturbing scenes, so be sure you have a shoulder to cry on as you watch.


To see what happened next, check out Day 22 (v2)


  1. Å. Tor oddmund- FANTASTISK film!:) Var lissom dratt akkurat passe langt ut. Likte at alle var med. Tor oddmund er per dags dato den beste bloggeren- med filmer og greier:p

  2. Hehehe...
    Lawrence: "To have what?"

    å herregud, jeg døøøøøøøør! Det er det morsomste på leeeeeeeenge!!
    Du er flink Tor Oddmund! Og ikke minst alle skuespillerne dine! Er imponert over visse deltakere, denne filmen har ALT! Den levde også opp til alle forventningene jeg hadde, og de var skyhøye.

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